simoN's Sound Effects Hacks: ============================ This archive contains: - SMN-SFX.TXT: this file. you are here. - SFXDQ.VOC: a down-sampled (and heavily editted) version of the "Warriors of the Eternal Sun" SFX uploaded some time ago by Ringo. it does sound GOOD. try it out... especially you "only-downsampled SFX work for me" people... you will probably like it. - SOUNDS.GLB: the amazingly WORKING replacement for the default PC Speaker SFX SOUNDS.GLB file filled with samples perverted from my SFXDQ.VOC translation above... - PCSFXDAT.TXT: data sheet containing the quick list of technical data (offsets, record lengths, sample sizes, and sample rates) for the samples in the SOUNDS.GLB replacement... - PCSPKR.TXT: the rather long story of one man's journey of experimentation with the atrocity that is the "PC Speaker". Feel free to send questions, comments, problems, and declarations of True Love to: [simoN]